For the realization of our vision, the Ear Nose Throat-Head and Neck Surgery (ENT-HNS) Study Program of Medical Faculty of Udayana University has a general mission, namely "Implement the Tri Dharma of Tertiary Education, Based on the Development of Science, Technology and Culture Through Efforts to Improve Education, Research and Community Service at the National and International Levels, Based on Culture, Morality and High Integrity in Compliance with the Competence of the ENT-HNS Specialist and the Demands of the Community.”
Specifically, the missions are as follows:
1. Improve the quality of the ENT-HNS specialist study program organizers.
2. Increase the number and quality of research and community service performed by students and staffs, especially in the superiority of overcoming hearing loss and deafness.
3. Provide courses as a means of Continuing Professional Development as a guide for graduate professional development.
4. Mobilize and direct the potential effectively and efficiently to improve the quality of management and organization.
5. Realizing an independent and professional ENT-HNS specialist study program in the management and development of institutions and has good governance (Good Corporate Governance).