To produce an Excellent, Independent and Cultured ENT-HNS specialists, Who Excel in Overcoming Hearing Loss and Deafness and are Able to Compete
at the National, Regional, and Global Levels by 2025.
According to the vision above, what is meant by Excellent, Independent, and
Cultured are as follows:
1. Excellent: means that he/she has expertise in the field of otolaryngology
with the superiority of overcoming
hearing loss and deafness that are comparative, competitive, and innovative at the local, national,
and international levels, and can make a significant contribution to the
development of science, technology, and community development.
2. Independent: means having leadership and entrepreneurial abilities in
managing resources optimally to produce innovations that are beneficial for the
development of science and the welfare of mankind in the field of ENT-HNS,
especially in the management of hearing loss and deafness.
3. Cultured: means upholding academic culture based on the noble values of
Pancasila and universal local wisdom to interact in society by prioritizing
honesty and harmony between good thoughts, words, and deeds (Tri Kaya